
Weekly Opportunities for Prayer


7:30 AM

Prayer in the Morning: a great start to your day.

Monday and Friday mornings at 7:30am you can join a Zoom prayer group by clicking here. A great start to your day.

Total Community Involvement (TCI)


7:00 PM

Prayer Meeting and Midweek Bible Study

Serendipity! Fortunate and Unexpected Discoveries!

Join us for a lively Zoom Bible study and Prayer Meeting at 7:00pm online at 7:00pm, (Zoom ID 931 6313 8432; Pass Code 471713).

Click here

Total Community Involvement (TCI)


9:00am in the Fellowship Hall

People of Prayer (POP)

The prayer room that is adjacent to the church sanctuary affords a designated place for prayer. Feel free to use this room at any time you are in-person at church. Also, feel free to invite anyone to join you for prayer.

If you have a request for prayer or a praise, please contact us

Total Community Involvement (TCI)


The Apopka SDA Church Prayer Ministry wishes to encourage our church, leadership, families, youth and children to live lives of prayer. We wish to see our church connected either through corporate or individual intercessory prayer. God is yearning for His people to pray and to seek His face daily.

    Prayer Request Form

    If you consider this

    To be important in our Christian lives please see below the different ways you can be a part of prayer for our church and our families.